
“Tobacco is the plant that converts thoughts into dreams.” – Victor Hugo

Stoicism tells us pleasure is fine, providing it is virtuous.


One of the stoic virtues is temperance. Self-control. Discipline.


Buddhism tells us not to crave material pleasures.


Thích Nhất Hạnh teaches that all material desires bring no pleasure, only sadness.


I am neither a stoic nor a Buddhist, even though I enjoy reading their philosophy and try to live a virtuous life.


There is nothing virtuous in the pleasure of a cigar.

I lack discipline. I indulge. Occasionally I drink alcohol. Sometimes I smoke a cigar. Occasionally I… never mind.


They give me great pleasure. I feel no guilt in having them. They bring no sadness.

Maybe they do?


Outside these occasional indulgences, I lead a disciplined life. Mostly.

Virtuous. Who can say?


We are taught to partake. Everything in moderation is ok.


Just a tiny amount won’t hurt.


You deserve it.

You have earned it.


The same standards judge not all indulgences.


A cigar is worse than some cake. Smoking is worse than a beer. Weed is worse than smoking and alcohol. It must be; it is not virtuous it is illegal.


LSD, mushrooms, opiates. Illegal. For your safety. Not virtuous.


Wine is fine. Being an alcoholic is not.


Chips are fine. Being overweight is not. Or is it? Body positive these days.


I used to drink so much wine I had a blog about it. Not virtuous?


Cigars are similar to wine. They represent a moment in time. A place. They are rolled by hand. Each one has a unique aroma and flavour.


I enjoy the occasional cigar. I think about where it came from, who rolled it, and how it came to be.


I enjoy the meditative process of slowly smoking a cigar.

Sitting on the balcony letting time slip by.

I don’t smoke Cubans. They are overrated and overpriced, or I do not have the palate to tell the difference.


People who smoke Cubans always wear expensive watches and drink expensive scotch. They have expensive cars. You know this because they include all these items in the photo of the cigar they are smoking which they post on social media.

And here I am doing the same. Judgement. Not virtuous.


I am smoking a Diesel Unholy Cocktail. AJ Fernandez makes it in Nicaragua.

I am indulgent. I am not disciplined. I am not a stoic, and I am not a Buddhist.


I am not virtuous.



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