
“Now is the time to get serious about living your ideals. How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? Your nobler self cannot wait any longer. Put your principles into practice–now. Stop the excuses and the procrastination. This is your life! […] Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to do–now.” – Epictetus

We don’t socialise.

We go to bed at 7.30 pm. Asleep by 8.00 pm.

The alarm is set for 4.45 am.

We are time poor and our wellbeing sits in a fragile balance.


I have made charts to explain. Sometimes you get bored with Uni, and charts matter.


Forget Maslo. The Griffin Hierarchy of Wellbeing ™.


We discuss these things on the balcony watching the storms roll in.

Serious business.

There are four essential requirements for our wellbeing.


1. Love

2. Proper nutrition

3. Sleep

4. Gym. Not ‘exercise.’ Gym.


A planet called Wellbeing with four moons in perfect orbit.

The Griffin Galaxy. Well, planet, but alliteration matters.


The entire galaxy is ruined if one of these moons is thrown out.

Chain reaction.



Imagine you are invited to a BBQ or dinner or drinks.


You overeat, and you drink. You do both these because you do not have the discipline of restraint or moderation.

Don't get me wrong, I love drinking and eating. It needs a planned and methodical approach. As mentioned, I do not have the discipline of self control at the bar fridge or the BBQ.

“Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.” ― William Blake



Your diet is blown. Out of orbit.

The flow on is considerable.


Your sleep is impacted. You wake up hungover, and you don’t get to the gym.

Planet Wellbeing is in trouble.

You are grumpy and become an arsehole. Shell will let you know if there is any doubt.


Days to recover.

Example 2.


Maybe you go to bed late?


Sleep suffers.

Knock on effect.


Even if your diet stays on point, your gym is terrible.


You are in a bad mood. Love suffers.

I understand for some people, socialising is part of their wellbeing. But if sleep is also essential, it will suffer.


You can’t have moons orbiting your planet that are counterproductive.




This is why I don’t eat the treats in the staffroom. Ripple effect.


This is why I rarely accept social invitations.


The planet is at stake.


I enjoy socialising, but the cost is too high.



Shell's uses a different metric. She uses the Griffin Wellbeing Tower.

It is a little more complicated.

How good are my charts?



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